Someone, such as individuals, firms, and corporations, can be charged with writing a worthless check when they know that there are insufficient funds…
Criminal Charges

North Carolina Driver’s License Suspended for Fraud Due to Facial Recognition Software?
Around ten years ago the North Carolina DMV started using facial recognition software to cut driver’s license ID fraud and to battle terrorism and ensure social security.

Raleigh Marijuana Possession Attorney
The trend in many states is toward decriminalizing possession of marijuana and other pot related crimes through laws that have legalized medical marijuana.
Is a Prayer for Judgment Continued (PJC) the Best Option for Me?
North Carolina law grants judges the discretion to enter a Prayer for Judgment Continued (PJC). This is an appealing option for certain traffic citations…
Soliciting; Encouraging Participation
Have you been charged with soliciting; encouraging participation in criminal gang activity in North Carolina? The crime of soliciting is a felony whether the person you encouraged…
Robbery with Firearms or Other Dangerous Weapons
In North Carolina, Robbery with Firearms or Other Dangerous Weapon is a felony.
Disclosure of Private Images
In North Carolina, a person is guilty of disclosure of images if all of the following apply:

I Received a Simple Marijuana Charge, Should I Just Pay the Citation and Move on?
The short answer is: absolutely not! Don’t pay a citation and plead guilty without talking to a criminal defense attorney first.

You Never Get a Second Chance To Make a First Impression
The Second Chance Act was signed by Governor Cooper and is now in effect. The new law allows many North Carolinians to remove old criminal convictions.

1st and 2nd Degree Rape
Felony sex offenses like rape and statutory rape are incredibly complex and difficult cases, because of the subject matter, and the alleged victims involved.