Driving While License Revoked (DWLR) Impaired and Not Impaired Revocation

Just ignoring a revoked or suspended North Carolina license will not make the problem go away. In fact, by ignoring it you could be put in jail if you are pulled over for any reason.

What is the Difference Between DWLR Impaired Revocation and DWLR Not Impaired Revocation?

Driving while License Revoked Impaired Revocation is typically charged when an individual was originally revoked for an impaired violation, such as a DWI. A person can be charged with this if they are caught driving during a period of pre-trial suspension or if they refused a breathalyzer test during a DWI stop. This charge is more serious than a DWLR Not Impaired Revocation and is considered a Class 1 Misdemeanor.

Driving While License Revoked Not Impaired Revocation is less serious, but can still have major consequences. A person can be charged with this for many reasons; accumulating too many DMV points, a failure to appear in court, failure to pay court costs and fines, or being convicted of certain driving offenses. Once the suspension problem is solved, this charge can usually be easily fixed and dismissed in court.

Defense Against Charges of Driving While License Revoked

Are you aware that a charge of driving while license revoked or suspended is much more serious than other moving violations? In some situations, the consequences of this charge can include jail time, in addition to further driver’s license restrictions and huge hike in your car insurance rates.  You have the option of fighting these charges, and Nickel & Granados, PLLC can help.

We have experience fighting traffic tickets in several counties throughout the Triangle and we know how to navigate through the system.  We know the steps that need to be taken to help you minimize or avoid the consequences of driving while license revoked.

Just Paying Your Ticket Off Is A Bad Option

The severity of these charges means that you cannot just send in payment for your fine and hope that’s the end of it.  You either have to appear in person at court or have a lawyer appear on your behalf.  We can guide you through the North Carolina court system and the very complex world of the North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles. You can count on us to either stand by your side or appear on your behalf.

Why Did I Get A DWLR Charge?

Many circumstances come into play when charged with driving while license revoked (DWLR) in Wake County and throughout North Carolina.  Your driver’s license could be revoked due to:

  • unpaid court costs

  • failure to appear in court on a different case

  • failure to appear in court in a different county in North Carolina

  • paying off a severe speeding ticket without getting it reduced

  • two (2) speeding convictions over 55 mph within one (1) year

  • driving while impaired (DWI)

  • accumulating twelve (12) DMV points within three (3) years

  • accumulating eight (8) DMV points within three (3) years, if you have had a past license revocation

Effects of a DWLR

Pleading guilty to a driving while license suspended charge will suspend your driving privilege for an additional year. Driving While License Revoked (DWLR) is a serious criminal charge that can impact both your financial future and your driving privilege. It is a Class 3 Misdemeanor if committed after December 1, 2013 and comes with a potential sentence of up to 20 days in jail. It is defined by statute at N.C.G.S 20-28(a). Additionally, it carries eight (8) insurance points, causing a 190% increase in insurance rates for three (3) years. Depending on the facts it may be possible to secure a reduction or even a dismissal. There is hope if you have a DWLR ticket. Call a suspended license attorney in our office to review your case.

New Changes In The Law for DWI related DWLR

Driving while your license was suspended or revoked prior to December 1, 2013 is still a Class 1 Misdemeanor.  If you were charged after 12/1/2013 then it is a lower class 3 misdemeanor.  However there is a new crime of Driving While License is Revoked for DWI.  This new crime is a Class 1 misdemeanor.  While prosecutors are going easier on people with DWLR charges and they are much tougher on those charged with driving with a revoked license for a DWI offense.  If you are charged with driving with a revoked license suspension for DWI you could be facing up to 120 days in jail, a revocation of probation and a host of problems getting a valid license again.

Experienced at Handling DWLR and other DMV Issues

Nickel & Granados, PLLC will help you get back on the road at the same time that we defend you from the charge of driving while your license was suspended or revoked (DWLR). We have extensive experience appearing on behalf of our clients in North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) hearings and in criminal court proceedings.  We provide an aggressive legal defense and make sure the state can prove their case against you beyond a reasonable doubt!  A few important issues to consider when fighting any DWLR Charge:

  1. Did the officer have reasonable suspicion to pull over your vehicle? Without reasonable suspicion the entire case can be thrown out.

  2. Did the police officer bring a certified copy of your driving record to court to prove your license was revoked? This is required to prove a case against you.

  3. Can the State of North Carolina prove that you were driving your vehicle on a public roadway? Perhaps you were not on a public roadway?

  4. Will the police officer show up to court? Very often police officers do not show up to court repeatedly for these minor charges and DWLR cases are dismissed.

  5. Quantity Discounts. Often if you have two or more driving charges the District Attorney will dismiss most of the others for a plea deal on one of them.

We Help You Get Back On The Road

We take pride in handling driver’s license restoration projects and work hard to solve your problems and get you back on the road.  If your license has been taken away because of old traffic tickets that were never cleared up, we can help you fix them which could lead to getting your driver’s license back and never having to worry about another charge for driving while license suspended or revoked again.  Our goal is to get you back on the road legally and we have a lot of experience getting our client’s records fixed and ensuring that they can be licensed drivers without much delay.  We start each case with the goal of having your case dismissed in order to avoid expensive court costs and fines and massive DMV and insurance point increases.

Restoring Your Driving Privileges

We understand how important your driving privileges are and we work with the DMV to restore them. We may be able to help you deal with old tickets you failed to pay or ask for a continuance. We have worked with many clients, helping them recover their driving privileges after charges of driving with a revoked or suspended license, and we can help you.

What If I Need To Go To Work Or School Without My License?

While your license is suspended, it may be possible to secure a temporary license or limited driving privilege that will allow you to go to work, school and other vital commitments. We have helped countless clients acquire limited driving privileges, and we can help you through the legal process to get back on the road during a period of suspension for your driver’s license.

Case Study

We had a client charged with three different violations of driving while his license was revoked.  We were able to take a good look at his driving record, fix a few things at the root of his problem and negotiate a dismissal of two of his three charges.  He pled guilty to the third DWLR offense for the reduced charge of driving without an operator’s license (also known as an NOL).  After his plea to the NOL charge the judge granted him a Prayer for Judgment Continued (PJC) which meant no DMV points or insurance points were assessed in the matter.  This was a great solution for him.  Call our criminal defense lawyer to see if we can find a good solution for your charge.

For many first time offenders we can help you get your license back before your court date.  Many times if we’re able to show proof of a valid drivers license by your court date we are able to get the charge dismissed entirely.  A dismissal allows you to avoid a suspension of your license and means no court costs, no fines, no insurance points and no DMV points.

15% of North Carolina Drivers are driving on a Suspended Drivers License.

About one in seven North Carolina drivers currently has a license suspended for failure to appear in court or failing to pay court costs or court fines, according to a report issued by Duke University School of Law.

If you are charged with driving while license revoked (DWLR) or driving on a suspended license in Wake County, North Carolina we can help.  Contact Nickel & Granados, PLLC for a free consultation to learn more about how we can help get you back on the road with a valid license.

Contact our Firm to help you with your Suspended Driver’s License

Our representation is available to residents of the Raleigh area, as well as people who were charged while visiting Wake County North Carolina.  We offer reasonable fees.  Payment plans are available and credit cards are accepted.  Contact us at (919) 650-2851 for a free initial consultation.

Nickel & Granados, PLLC is located in Cary, North Carolina.  Our law firm serves individuals in Wake, Chatham, Orange, Durham and Johnston Counties.  We will help you determine the procedures necessary to obtain a reduction or even a dismissal of your DWLR charge.

Contact Us Today!

Let us know how we can help you by contacting us today for a free consultation. Call (919) 650-2851 or fill out the form below to get in touch.

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